Thu 31 May 2012
Posted by PJ under observations, scenes from the commute, tweets
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A brawny tattooed man wearing a plastic glove waiting while a tiny blond chihuahua makes up its mind about crapping on the Fire Dept lawn.
The white heron flying slow and majestic across Ballona Creek Bridge.
The eager and too-frequent “uh-huh” of someone not listening so much as wanting the talker to know she’s listening.
Bird sex going on atop the building across the way. It’s not nearly as dramatic as elephant sex.
For Francesca: the crow standing in the middle of the street near a tasty morsel nodding his head and cawing in satisfaction.
Something you don’t see every day: a man grabbing his crotch & loudly tooting a toy horn while standing in a liquor store door.
Well, actually, I drive through Venice every day so I see sights of a similar nature fairly regularly.
What distinguished this guy was that we was well dressed in khakis, a beret, and an ABT t-shirt.
Maybe it was a new advertising venture. I hear donations to the arts are waaaaay down.
Also, when he finished his horn salute he marched back into Star Liquor.
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