Archive for August 26th, 2010

Santa Barbara Auras*

Considering the way things often go here on the Left Coast, most especially in Santa Barbara, I would not be at all surprised to see a bus full of auras.

On a (un)related note, I just had to share some spam names from this morning’s batch.  They showed up in my queue one on top of the other—if you’ll pardon the expression:

Hans Wiggins

Yuk Concepcion


Random quote of the day:

“I write when I’m inspired, and I see to it that I’m inspired at nine o’clock every morning.”

—Peter de Vries, interview, The Observer (London), 1980

Disclaimer:  The views expressed in this random quote of the day do not necessarily reflect the views of the poster, her immediate family, Siegfried and Roy, Leonard Maltin, or the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. They do, however, sometimes reflect the views of the Cottingley Fairies.